La Maison Française d’Oxford organise, avec la collaboration de l’Institut Villey, le vendredi 29 avril 2016 de 9h30 à 17h30 un colloque intitulé :
The Rule of Crisis : Crisis Legislation, Emergencies and the Rule of Law

Le colloque aura lieu à la Maison Française d’Oxford, OX2 6SE.
- Ouverture du colloque et accueil des participants
- Conférence inaugurale
Carl WELLMAN, Professeur de philosophie émérite, Hortense and Tobias Lewin Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities, Washington University in Saint Louis
Conceptual Analysis and Emergency Legislation
- David ANDERSON QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
Independent review of anti-terrorism laws - Helen FENWICK, Human Rights Centre, University of Durham
Confronting the failures of non-trial-based counter-terror measures
- Olivier BEAUD, Professeur à l’Université Panthéon-Assas, Institut Michel Villey
Anything goes : how does French Law deal with the state of emergency (1955-2015) ? - Kent ROACH, Prichard Wilson Chair in Law and Public Policy, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
American exceptionalism in responding to the ISIS ?
- John GARDNER FBA, University College, University of Oxford
Remarques conclusives
Date et heure : vendredi 29 avril 2016, Toute la journée
Type : Colloques